The Eruv is Up: Parashat Bo (01/12/19)

The eruv is up for Parashat Bo thanks to our team of checkers and a special thanks to Todd, his bucket truck, and our fixers for getting the eruv up despite the bad weather! Shabbat shalom!

We Need Your Active Support

This Shabbat has been designated Eruv Appreciation Shabbat by the East Denver rabbis. Having an eruv in our community offers a great convenience for all and is a tremendous Shabbat enhancement for everyone. This wonderful addition to our community is made possible by our board members and dedicated volunteers. These volunteers inspect and, if necessary, repair the eruv on a weekly basis.

But this all comes at a cost of approximately $15,000 per year, in addition to money needed for capital improvements.

Therefore, we are asking that each family donate at least $54 to support the eruv. Or, donate $1 for each member of your family per week. If there are five people in your household, that's just $5 per week!

Support the Eruv

The eruv is sponsored this week by Craig and Karen Schottenstein in memory of Karen's mother, Susan Mabo (Sarah Esther bat Moshe) on her first yarzheit on 2 Shevat.

Parashat Bo
01/12/2018 (6 Shevat 5779)
Candle Lighting: 4:37 pm
Havdalah: 5:38 p.m.
Note: Times are sourced from the EDOS Shabbat Announcements.