Welcome to the East Denver Eruv website. We're dedicated to keeping you informed on the status of the eruv and providing useful resources for the Denver Jewish community.
The eruv was built under the guidance and halachic support of Rabbi Shimon Eider z"l and is under the local rabbinic supervision of Rabbi Shmuel Halpern. The associated eruv chatzerot is located in his office at Young Israel of Denver. The eruv is managed and maintained by a group of lay leaders and volunteers, led by executive director Andrew Baxt and board president Shlomo Fried.
An Eruv for the 21st Century
In 2016 the way the eruv is checked and fixed was completely changed, saving the committee an immense amount of money and empowering community members to own this vital piece of infrastructure. The eruv is now checked in small sections, allowing for greater community involvement and ease of checking.
“See that the Lord has given you the Sabbath. Therefore, on the sixth day, He gives you bread for two days. Let each man remain in his place; let no man leave his place on the seventh day.”